
He is my father. He was born in Purworejo, 20 August 1967. He has four sons. The first is a young adult, at 27 years old, the second is me, 18 years old, the third is 11 years old, and the last is a four years old.
My father is short. But my opinion he has perfect body. He is wise person. My father is fit for his age and he is working hard.
My father is driver. He is work in Pertamina at Palembang. He has short black hair,and dark eyes. He is Asian, so he has brown skin. He has face oval and small mouth. I like his smile, because it make me happy and comfortable. But his nose is flat like me.
He is friendly, not arrogant, wise and good people. He always helps another people. And he always greets everyone in everywhere.
Every time I always spend my time with him. But now, we must separate. My father at Palembang and I at Eastern Java. I so really miss him. I always remember his message that I must be honest wherever you are.

He is my father anad my hero. I love you father.


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